Tag: yoga

  • Sober Up Your Monkey Mind

    Sober Up Your Monkey Mind

    The (Drunken) Monkey Mind This is perhaps the aptest description for your mind I’ve heard. Buddha described the human mind as being filled with “drunken monkeys.” In other words, he is saying that without discipline, our mind can be a wildly uncontrolled space. (Forgive me, as much as I searched, I couldn’t find a direct…

  • Slow Down with the 3 Most Meditative Yoga Poses

    Slow Down with the 3 Most Meditative Yoga Poses

    “Slow down, Brianna.” My teacher said to me succinctly, albeit lovingly. She said this a few years back in an attempt to reign in my intensity. “You’re ‘go go go’ all the time, you need to balance your life out with something slower.” Admittedly, I needed to hear it. So, with that, restorative yoga breezed…

  • What is Yoga Anyway? Listen to this Podcast

    What is Yoga Anyway? Listen to this Podcast

    Attention yoga practitioners: Listen to this Podcast! The origins of yoga are very different than most know. This podcast episode blew my socks off. Driving in my car, my mouth fell open. Since my RYT-200 training 3 years ago, there have been very few things that have been mind-blowingly new to me about the practice. Although…

  • Give Your Clients What They Want

    Give Your Clients What They Want

    There is one commanding truth in customer service, it’s simple: Your clients will surprise you. Let’s take, for example, me. I choose my yoga studio based, in-part, on the ceiling. It’s guaranteed none of my yoga teachers know this (until now). There’s no way to know this about me unless it’s specifically asked. This is…

  • 6 Ways to Energize a Sluggish Day

    6 Ways to Energize a Sluggish Day

    Let’s face it, we don’t have 100% of our energy 100% of the time. There are days where task-completion is easy and the day whirls by before you know it’s gone. There are other days that feel like you’re jogging through molasses. An extra click needed there or even your ordinary email or two email here, can feel…