Tag: balance
Multi-Tasking as a Millennial Worker
A Multi-Tasking Question Last night my boyfriend said to me “We need to figure out a way to harness all of your talents.” I looked up, half paying attention to him, half trying not to slice a finger. I was standing in the kitchen, knife in hand, chopping vegetables for dinner.
Passion Is Overrated: Do What You’re Good At Doing
“Follow your passion.” Ugh. This is one of the most misleading three-word phrases on the internet today. We are inundated with the phrases “follow your passion” and “seek your bliss” and rarely are they followed with instructions or how-to manuals. This is partially because we love the idea of it, but most of us don’t know how…
The Intentional Professional: A Case for Multiple Jobs
Today, many Americans are working multiple jobs to make ends meet. With a still-recovering economy and most young American college grads swimming in debt, the decision to work more than one job seems like obvious plus. However, there is also another set of people working funky hours and odd jobs for a different purpose.