Tag: networking

  • 6 Tips to Be Less Awkward at Your Holiday Party This Year

    6 Tips to Be Less Awkward at Your Holiday Party This Year

    Workplace anxiety sucks.  A work party is not the time to freeze up, it’s time to network and get to know your coworkers. Of course, it’s hard to network when you’re analyzing your every move and breathing into a paper bag to calm down. Personally, this is by far my biggest professional bugaboo. When it happens, I…

  • 5 Networking Tips for Introverts, Guest Editor, Nicki Escudero

    5 Networking Tips for Introverts, Guest Editor, Nicki Escudero

    If the thought of a networking mixer makes you cringe rather than jump for joy, you’re not alone. In her book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain writes at least one-third of the population is introverted. Don’t sacrifice your career growth because you hate large groups –…

  • The Intentional Professional: A Case for Multiple Jobs

    The Intentional Professional: A Case for Multiple Jobs

    Today, many Americans are working multiple jobs to make ends meet. With a still-recovering economy and most young American college grads swimming in debt, the decision to work more than one job seems like obvious plus. However, there is also another set of people working funky hours and odd jobs for a different purpose.