Tag: burnout

  • Introducing: An Educated Mess

    Introducing: An Educated Mess

    An Educated Mess So, by now, if you’ve been reading along, I’m unemployed. This new series, Educated Mess, is my journey through the Isle of Dogs to my home. What makes me happy? My life has been a steaming garbage pile of a mess the past few years, but I was so busy at work…

  • Looking Back – A Small Notes App Reflection

    Looking Back – A Small Notes App Reflection

    Looking Back Often times I write thoughts, story ideas, personal notes, and things I want to research, in my notes app. It’s my digital post-it note, along with Google Chrome tabs, which I think is a fairly normal thing among people in my age group (?). Lately, I’ve been going through my notes, cleaning them…

  • Two Months Out from Burnout

    Two Months Out from Burnout

    Still in burnout mode It’s been two months now since I quit my job and I still have no idea what the hell I’m doing. My life is mostly sleeping, feeling guilty about sleeping, taking baths, cooking, cleaning, and doing projects around the house. then feeling guilty about enjoying just being at home. Turns out,…

  • I Quit.

    I Quit.

    I Quit Although I didn’t phrase it quite like that, I did, I quit my job. Well, I burned out of it, to be fair. So, to just “quit” a job without any prospects, or desire to find another one, is not really like me. Let alone leaving a job that I worked hard to…