Tag: advice
Am I on Mute? 6 Tips for Teaching Online
Teaching online, and subsequently teaching English as a Foreign Language comes along with a few strong associations: Travel! Freedom! See the world and make a living while you do it!
6 Tips to Be Less Awkward at Your Holiday Party This Year
Workplace anxiety sucks. A work party is not the time to freeze up, it’s time to network and get to know your coworkers. Of course, it’s hard to network when you’re analyzing your every move and breathing into a paper bag to calm down. Personally, this is by far my biggest professional bugaboo. When it happens, I…
Millennial Podcast: Modern Day Group Therapy
I’m not in my 20’s, but I am indeed considered part of the Millennial generation. I’m into my 30’s now and this podcast still speaks to me. There is, of course, a fine separation between being in your 30’s and being in your 20’s. However, from what I’ve observed, we share common workplace experiences. We’re looking…
Give Your Clients What They Want
There is one commanding truth in customer service, it’s simple: Your clients will surprise you. Let’s take, for example, me. I choose my yoga studio based, in-part, on the ceiling. It’s guaranteed none of my yoga teachers know this (until now). There’s no way to know this about me unless it’s specifically asked. This is…
6 Ways to Energize a Sluggish Day
Let’s face it, we don’t have 100% of our energy 100% of the time. There are days where task-completion is easy and the day whirls by before you know it’s gone. There are other days that feel like you’re jogging through molasses. An extra click needed there or even your ordinary email or two email here, can feel…