Millennial Podcast: Modern Day Group Therapy

I’m not in my 20’s, but I am indeed considered part of the Millennial generation.

I’m into my 30’s now and this podcast still speaks to me. There is, of course, a fine separation between being in your 30’s and being in your 20’s. However, from what I’ve observed, we share common workplace experiences. We’re looking to live our lives the way we want and hoping to make work fit into those expectations. For many of us, it’s trial and error.

This generation is now the largest, most diverse group of American citizens in history. It turns out, this diverse generation values a balanced lifestyle. In fact,  “millennials value staying close to family and friends, having free time for recreation, and working in creative jobs.” (click on that link for a very interesting read)

However, with a struggling economy and slowed job growth for many working-years, many younger workers have struggled to find and maintain the jobs they love.

Enter: Millennial. This show is like a modern day support group. There are so many things that this generation of workers struggle with on a unique level. This podcast opens the door for discussion and lets the light pour in to cover topics not widely discussed until now. To me, this podcast is a beacon, signaling that there are others out there with similar experiences.

Millennial Spliced in Ages

In the interest of full disclosure, I identify with this article, I don’t really think I’m a true “Millennial.” I grew up playing hockey in the street until it was dark and thought this whole “” was a bunch of hooey.

Yet, something about this earnest producer grabs my attention. It’s easy to embrace this honest look into the reality of a young entrepreneur in the United States. The amount of hard work that goes into starting, organizing, writing, producing, and maintaining a show is incredible. It’s impressive that this young woman went out on a limb to make it happen. Just one word comes to mind – grit.

Documentary-Style Podcast

Megan Tan, who has reportedly been working on the podcast from her home office closet, graduated from Western Kentucky University in 2014. In its second season now, the podcast was recently picked up by Radiotopia, after what sounds like an intense bidding war.

In 2011, I commuted from Santa Monica, California to Pasadena, California for work. the approximately 45min-75min drive ignited my love for the spoken word and podcasts. I’ve often daydreamed about having my own podcast as some sort of extension of writing – but it’s never felt quite do-able. This podcast reminds me that such a thing is indeed feasible, it all depends on how much work you’re willing to do get there.

If You Listen to Anything, Listen to This One

The latest podcast dove headfirst into the issue of unpaid internships. This episode is particularly fascinating for two reasons:

Will Work for Free – Millennial Season 2, Episode #24

  • Firstly, the system is broken. Unpaid internships negate an entire pool of eligible and talented employees. Who can afford to work full time (or part-time even) and not receive a paycheck? I know I couldn’t.

When my friends were interning during college, I was working at a restaurant. There was no way I could work more than one part-time job and still focus on school. Megan Tan makes a comment about feeling like it was a “right of passage” for those entering business. However, I’d argue she missed the mark a bit – it’s a right of passage for those who can afford not to work.

  • Secondly, Tan is vulnerable in a way that helps others learn. She does this in every episode. However, in this recording, you see her struggling to do what is right and professional.

She admits to taking on unpaid interns and appropriately defends her position. Then, though, she does something that not many young workers would do – she questions herself – publicly. Not only does she question herself, but she dives in, talks to a trusted mentor, and makes a very difficult decision. This episode alone took this listener from a somewhat frequent listener to an avid supporter of Megan Tan and whatever she does next.

Check out the podcast and see for yourself: Click this link and stream directly online. Enjoy!

Update: this podcast is no longer in production (giant sad face). 

About the Author

If you’re curious about me or what I write, follow Indie. Indie started to help independent contractors weave their way through the roller coaster of always-changing-employment. It has become a great resource for all people looking to find business community and resource for growth. As always, thanks for reading!





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