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8 Tips for Successful Phone Conversations


Phone conversations aren’t normally on the training agenda of most large organizations and we take them for granted. So much of our time spent connecting with, calming down, and coaching our clients takes place on the phone. We take so much time and care into ensuring our brand and voice are right in mass marketing.

However, we rarely address tone. There are a few great strategies to become incredible over the phone. Speak in a way your clients and friends can hear you by following these tips: Continue Reading


Did You Just Call Me Bossy?


I listened to a captivating podcast the other day about women in leadership roles. It was a rebroadcast of a TedTalk that I’d heard a while back and it reminded me of the things I used to tell myself. Here’s a sample of the things I’d say almost every time I found success:

I’m successful because I’m just lucky, opportunities just present themselves to me.

You know, I was in the right place at the right time. 🙂 

I wouldn’t be here if others hadn’t helped me get here, I’m just following their lead.

Or the most insidious of all: One of these days people are going to realize I’m not actually good at this and I’m going to get fired. I’m not really a leader, I just have everyone fooled somehow.  Continue Reading


Be a Better Leader: How to be a Great, Charismatic Boss

Charismatic leaders are strong, fascinating, hard-working front-runners, but these coaches are not without their pitfalls. Some lack in planning, consistency, and professionalism. They have the potential to be spirited agents of change and steer entire organizations towards success, or they can be loud, egocentric pioneers growing their careers but costing companies millions.

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5 Networking Tips for Introverts, Guest Editor, Nicki Escudero

If the thought of a networking mixer makes you cringe rather than jump for joy, you’re not alone. In her book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain writes at least one-third of the population is introverted. Don’t sacrifice your career growth because you hate large groups – use these tips to network and build solid relationships successfully on your own terms. Continue Reading