2016 Social Media Business Trends to Watch

What’s Changing in 2016  

Social Media outlets are bringing more savvy marketing platforms to the table.

The major players from 2015 are still dominant, but the big guns from prior years are getting a major boost from cutting edge marketing options. These include a significant increase in in-app functionality. Keep your eyes on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Periscope for your upcoming marketing strategies.

Expect social media to take up more of your advertising budget, but know that 2016 brings more efficient advertising schemes for every size business. Read on for more details.

In-App Functionality

2016 marks the rise of in-app functionality. Social media companies vying to be the predominant app in which we all do business and in turn are doing whatever they can to keep users from leaving their platforms. Large platforms are taking steps to ensure outside organizations come to them for their all-in-one needs.

This internal functionality allows companies to perform all of the Customer Retention Management (CRM) duties without the need for their own platform. Messenger services, shopping, marketing, and payment collection will all be available within app.

Facebook is looking to dominate the market and offer small businesses all their needed features into the one platform. According to most reports, they will.

Personal Assistance & Communication

Facebook is offering their own answer to Cortana and Siri.  “M” is Facebook’s answer to Siri and Cortana. M is virtual assistance tool which already set to communicate with outside businesses. There is speculation as to whether or not this will merge with Facebook’s other messaging system, WhatsApp.

WhatsApp leadership has announced its plans to make a play for in-app communication with other services. They anticipate a large portion of revenue to come from this arena.

Snapchat is predicted to bring chat, messaging, audio calls and easier video calls.

Retail Revenue

Social media outlets will to “make a play for retail” revenue. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest have “buy buttons” that were introduced in 2015 (CNBC)

Age & Platform Shift

The Boomers are officially online. If you’re looking to reach an older crowd, say 40-70, Facebook is now your primary focus.

For the 25 and under marketing subset, look to platforms that allow for interaction and photo sharing. Think Kik, Instagram, Snapchat, and Periscope.

Consider Snapchat Story. Snapchat’s primary audience is aged 13-24 and they take up nearly half of their estimated 200 million strong audience. Snapchat Stories allows any user to strong together a story of videos or photos that remain accessible for 24 hours. MTV garnered over 12 million views on Snapchat during the VMAs.

Organic Visibility vs. Inorganic Outreach

Organic visibility is going to decrease as more social media outlets corner the outlet on monetized advertising. Don’t look to Facebook for this in 2016. Stick to the smaller outlets for organic outreach and viral advertising.

Users turn to social media for visual content. They tend to trust more organic-looking media. For 2016, consider focusing on content advertising using curated images.  Look to Image-centric networks like Instagram, Periscope, and Snapchat.

Marketing materials on social media are no longer predominantly natural communication. Social marketing plans have the feel of organic, off-the-cuff marketing, but with a marketing schedule and advertising schedule to prop it up.


This year, a large portion of social media advertising efforts will focus on the immediate gratification of curiosity. Demand for information is higher than ever and it will be met. It will get even easier to purchase products you like from brands you love and give feedback on an experience that went sour.

According to Forbes, scheduled social media posts may eventually be a thing of the past. Get on board with quick and on-the-spot advertising with Instagram, Periscope, and Snapchat.

 Stick with the Big Platforms

Gone are the days of small businesses getting away with little to no social media presence. The price of entry is low and mostly user-friendly. Not every platform works for every company so start with the basics and add on if needed or within the budget. Keep in mind that top organizations drive towards the same, large platforms.

Lastly, plan to make a consideration sometime in the next year or so whether the company wants to communicate through its own servers or through an all-in-one social media platform.

Social Media Organizers

Social media marketing isn’t always easy to coordinate. If you want to help your search engine optimization, then check out these management tools. Social media strategists help businesses of all sizes better manage their database of social networking accounts to improve overall ROI.

  • IgniturAll-in-one social media, analytics, marketing, sales, support, email assistance
  • Curalateconnects visual content to commerce for visual marketing
  • Babblyassistance in link sharing, works to increase viral presence

About the Author:
Brianna Wilkins – experienced freelance writer and editor, yogini, and teacher. As a content writer, she’s specializes in search engine optimization for Dynamic Search. When she’s not writing, you can find Brianna teaching English as a Foreign Language classes or selling real estate in Phoenix, Arizona. Follow Brianna her website for more.







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