Tag: goals
Goal Setting for 2021: Empathize and adapt
Goal setting for 2021: Empathize and adapt Holy crap this year is almost over. Of course, the stress, pain, and confusion of 2020 won’t magically disappear on January 1st, we know this. Nonetheless, it’s a chance to start anew. Goal setting in 2021 will look different than it did in 2020. We’ve learned that life…
6 Ways to Energize a Sluggish Day
Let’s face it, we don’t have 100% of our energy 100% of the time. There are days where task-completion is easy and the day whirls by before you know it’s gone. There are other days that feel like you’re jogging through molasses. An extra click needed there or even your ordinary email or two email here, can feel…
Passion Is Overrated: Do What You’re Good At Doing
“Follow your passion.” Ugh. This is one of the most misleading three-word phrases on the internet today. We are inundated with the phrases “follow your passion” and “seek your bliss” and rarely are they followed with instructions or how-to manuals. This is partially because we love the idea of it, but most of us don’t know how…