In my search to sustain the lifestyle and career choice I want – I found it necessary to locate a few stable stay-at-home, super part time income stabilizers. Freelance jobs.
One thing I can say for sure: treat all of your jobs like one career. Even if you only have two hours with this company and five hour with another at first, treat them both like your permanent career. Develop relationships with your clients and coworkers and get to know your bosses if you can. I have had countless opportunities and connections stem from small side jobs that I never would have had if I didn’t work get them.
Also, keep a tally of your hours and your income. I recommend an Excel spreadsheet. If you don’t, I guarantee you that your taxes will be a nightmare. I can tell you from experience and I’d love to spare you that pain.

Here are a few of the things I did that I found especially supportive:
1. Tutor English
Granted, I am a certified TEFL instructor, but there are jobs for native English speakers who are not certified. A few countries have implemented Phone English programs. These programs offer students in the country 10-20 minute, highly outlined, English classes. Most companies offer training. Caution: they’re EARLY in the morning. They’re a great compliment to an otherwise “normal” work day and super duper rewarding. Many of these jobs pay around $7-$10/hour. Research online/internet ESL companies.
2. Get on Craigslist
Okay so this may not be the most sustainable outlet, but Craigslist is a fantastic source of little odd jobs that could fit your needs in your area. Let’s be honest, if this doesn’t work, you certainly have a thing of two you can sell to earn a couple bucks!
3. Give Independent Lessons
I started working with a few yogis and ESL students in private 1:1 sessions. Many of us have skills or talents that others are looking to obtain. If you find a person looking for it, you can charge an hourly rate and organize weekly meetings. I always offer my first lesson free, to see if you both agree the time is worthwhile. After that, the student can pay weekly for sessions. Remember to always meet in a public place and perhaps communicate solely via email for safety.
4. Freelance Write
Many websites these days are supported solely by freelance writers and web designers. So, many business owners are looking for people to create the content for the page. Just do a simple internet search (there are several companies that serve as “brokers” between the writers and the owners). Most owners ask you to write several samples and they’ll pay you for what they want.
5. Odds and Ends
Have a friend/family member who needs a babysitter? Does your buddy need help catering an event? Have some extra stuff you can sell an Ebay? Is Mom willing to pay you $20 to organize her cupboards? Have you ever been a server? A Bartender? Is it time to go back for a stint?
Looks, some of this stuff may seem desperate, and some of it absolutely is … but we’re all on a different part of our journey. If you’re just starting off, embarking on a new career as an Indie Contractor, you may be broke as a joke, And if you are … you’re welcome 🙂 Just remember, you can never be too proud. If you have a vision in mind of what you life will look like, you’ll get there. Don’t let a little financial pinch keep you from where you want to go.
You can have your cake and eat it too. It just depends on what you’re willing to sacrifice.
Stay tuned for more tips on financial survival in the Indie Contractor world – future posts to come regarding designer fashion, taxes (ah!), and debt. Oh my!
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