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Passion Is Overrated: Do What You’re Good At Doing


“Follow your passion.” Ugh.

This is one of the most misleading three-word phrases on the internet today. We are inundated with the phrases “follow your passion” and “seek your bliss” and rarely are they followed with instructions or how-to manuals. This is partially because we love the idea of it, but most of us don’t know how to get there. Read on for a step-by-step strategy to find success in your life.  Continue Reading


5 Networking Tips for Introverts, Guest Editor, Nicki Escudero

If the thought of a networking mixer makes you cringe rather than jump for joy, you’re not alone. In her book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain writes at least one-third of the population is introverted. Don’t sacrifice your career growth because you hate large groups – use these tips to network and build solid relationships successfully on your own terms. Continue Reading


One Week Left in Sevilla


Currently sitting at this really cool Indian/Spanish tapas bar right. With all the distractions buzzing around me on the street, motorcycles, people walking by chatting with one another, an the clattering of plates in the kitchen, I’m struggling to focus on much else besides the ambiance of this restaurant. Let alone focus one iota of effort towards planning my relatively complicated lesson for tomorrow.  Continue Reading