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Build Company Culture – Guerilla Style

Build company culture like you would a grassroots movement – guerilla-style.

Now hear me out; Building company culture, to a degree, is up to the employees. It is more of a grassroots effort than most of us believe.

A quick Google search shows articles rife with recommendations for leaders to help build up their people. CEO’s value is partially built on their ability to establish and maintain “company culture.” Millennial employees, rapidly entering an filling the workspace, are looking for good pay, ample time off, a sense of doing good for their world, and a great company culture at work. Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

Overall pay, benefits, hours, work safety, etc. fall solidly to the dictation of the C-suite and other leaders. However, employees control much of the mood and overall culture than the CEO herself. Continue Reading


Availability Creep

Availability Creep

Availability creep is my current nemesis, and it’s yours too.

As I sit here in my snowy retreat in the woods, I find myself checking – and replying to – my work email. I came here to escape and get away from the hustle of my day-to-day. Yet I keep dragging myself back into it, afraid I’ll miss something, or checking in just out of habit. Even writing this short article I’ve checked it three four lots of times.

As a card-carrying, somewhat-reticent, member of the Millennial generation, I admit I live my life for my free time. While I love working, growing, and being a professional. Let’s be honest though, I do all of this in pursuit of my ideal personal life. The harder I work, the more I can enjoy outside of work. The more success I see in the office directly translates to more awesome vacations like this one.

For me, as with many young workers, I’m building the life I want to live.

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What are You Doing with Your Life?


Driving into work today, I was listening to a brilliant podcast, Song Exploder. So here I am, breezing down the freeway, looking at the cool, low-hung clouds in a truly unusual foggy Arizona sky, and completely engrossed in Episode 92.

The podcast’s founder, Hrishikesh Hirway, gives the stage to the artist at hand, and bit by bit, the artists discuss each element of a song. The brilliance of this method is that the listener hears first-hand the intention of the song’s creators. For the music lover who is not a composer, you learn a bit about composition as well. Continue Reading


Millennial Podcast: Modern Day Group Therapy

I’m not in my 20’s, but I am indeed considered part of the Millennial generation.

I’m into my 30’s now and this podcast still speaks to me. There is, of course, a fine separation between being in your 30’s and being in your 20’s. However, from what I’ve observed, we share common workplace experiences. We’re looking to live our lives the way we want and hoping to make work fit into those expectations. For many of us, it’s trial and error. Continue Reading


6 Ways to Energize a Sluggish Day

Let’s face it, we don’t have 100% of our energy 100% of the time. There are days where task-completion is easy and the day whirls by before you know it’s gone. There are other days that feel like you’re jogging through molasses. An extra click needed there or even your ordinary email or two email here, can feel like a chore. Continue Reading