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Passion Is Overrated: Do What You’re Good At Doing


“Follow your passion.” Ugh.

This is one of the most misleading three-word phrases on the internet today. We are inundated with the phrases “follow your passion” and “seek your bliss” and rarely are they followed with instructions or how-to manuals. This is partially because we love the idea of it, but most of us don’t know how to get there. Read on for a step-by-step strategy to find success in your life.  Continue Reading


Be a Better Leader: How to be a Great, Charismatic Boss

Charismatic leaders are strong, fascinating, hard-working front-runners, but these coaches are not without their pitfalls. Some lack in planning, consistency, and professionalism. They have the potential to be spirited agents of change and steer entire organizations towards success, or they can be loud, egocentric pioneers growing their careers but costing companies millions.

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5 Networking Tips for Introverts, Guest Editor, Nicki Escudero

If the thought of a networking mixer makes you cringe rather than jump for joy, you’re not alone. In her book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain writes at least one-third of the population is introverted. Don’t sacrifice your career growth because you hate large groups – use these tips to network and build solid relationships successfully on your own terms. Continue Reading


Surround Yourself with Greatness

There’s something about being in the presence of greatness.

You know the feeling. When you walk out of a concert that was on-point and your ears are ringing, bass still thrumming through your body. You’re energized, talking louder, moving quicker. Continue Reading