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Millennial Podcast: Modern Day Group Therapy

I’m not in my 20’s, but I am indeed considered part of the Millennial generation.

I’m into my 30’s now and this podcast still speaks to me. There is, of course, a fine separation between being in your 30’s and being in your 20’s. However, from what I’ve observed, we share common workplace experiences. We’re looking to live our lives the way we want and hoping to make work fit into those expectations. For many of us, it’s trial and error. Continue Reading


Queen Bee & Equity

Queen Bee

Women for Women?

For years, the discussion around women’s rights has been centered on driving as many women into the workforce and leadership as possible. The thinking was that with more women in power, we would see more women in a better place to succeed in the workplace. Seems logical, doesn’t it?

Except that apparently it’s not.

Recent research shows that women in power may not only be continuing in the vein of male-dominated work policies, but actually encouraging anti-female agendas. Continue Reading


6 Ways to Energize a Sluggish Day

Let’s face it, we don’t have 100% of our energy 100% of the time. There are days where task-completion is easy and the day whirls by before you know it’s gone. There are other days that feel like you’re jogging through molasses. An extra click needed there or even your ordinary email or two email here, can feel like a chore. Continue Reading


8 Tips for Successful Phone Conversations


Phone conversations aren’t normally on the training agenda of most large organizations and we take them for granted. So much of our time spent connecting with, calming down, and coaching our clients takes place on the phone. We take so much time and care into ensuring our brand and voice are right in mass marketing.

However, we rarely address tone. There are a few great strategies to become incredible over the phone. Speak in a way your clients and friends can hear you by following these tips: Continue Reading


Did You Just Call Me Bossy?


I listened to a captivating podcast the other day about women in leadership roles. It was a rebroadcast of a TedTalk that I’d heard a while back and it reminded me of the things I used to tell myself. Here’s a sample of the things I’d say almost every time I found success:

I’m successful because I’m just lucky, opportunities just present themselves to me.

You know, I was in the right place at the right time. 🙂 

I wouldn’t be here if others hadn’t helped me get here, I’m just following their lead.

Or the most insidious of all: One of these days people are going to realize I’m not actually good at this and I’m going to get fired. I’m not really a leader, I just have everyone fooled somehow.  Continue Reading